Wednesday, March 16, 2011

cold weather craftiness

Isn't the painting outfit silly?
It's been wintery for awhile now and as much as we like to play outside most days it's just not a good idea. Not that we don't try but it winds up with our taking as long to bundle Alex and ourselves up as we spend outdoors. So we get inventive about the stuff we do inside. This often leads to random crafts

Also Alex is getting older and can do a bit more these days. This led to stealing some inspiration from Mrs Jesi and making egg carton critters. These start by cutting out a bit of egg carton (best done by the adult type person that's around).

Then the painting can begin. Of course we're both in painting clothes as nothing stays remotely clean in the vicinity when painting, which is why it's handy to have a big thing of paper towels handy. ;)

Paint is a tricky thing. It has to be doled out in small controllable amounts and in as few colors as you think you can get away with. All of this need be done in such a way that Alex thinks she's getting a ton of paint and colors so the joy of getting to paint isn't diminished. It also helps to use big girl paints and brushes instead of finger paints.

So with a little help she painted one piece red and one green. After the paint was dry we added puff ball heads and legs. Of course there was glitter. And some stickers for decoration.

Then voila! a ladybug and a turtle. We were all very proud of her creations. Still are actually. They're very cute and great fun to play with.

Now if only I could steal them away from her and hide them in her memory box....nah pictures of this one are probably enough.


  1. DARN! Clearly it's a good thing I'm looking back. I wonder how many of my comments have been eaten by the vicious word verification of doom? You seriously have to disable that thing. . .

    I LOVE A's painting outfit. We have several such awful outfits, now covered in bits of colorful splatterings. Isn't it amazing what you can do with egg cartons and TP tubes? Her little critters turned out ADORABLY! And the best part of having a blog is that you don't feel that you HAVE to keep EVERYTHING forever. It's been photographed, documented, and can be safely filed away for the future!

  2. TP and paper towel rolls inevitably become trumpets in our house. Well at least until the cat or dog get ahold of them and shred them.
