Man what a crazy few months. The re-fi is done, we've been to 2 funerals and I didn't get into USC. So we look ahead to redoing the kitchen. I've come to realize that I have no idea what God wants from me and my life. I keep trying to do what he wants and alas it keeps blowing up in my face. So what's a girl to do? Trudge on I say. Trudge on.
I've made little to no strides in my goal of running or being less anti-social. And oddly I'm pretty OK with that. We have been going to church more, which is nice. And maybe through that I'll work up the nerve to join a group or meet other moms or something. Meh.
But the kitchen. The kitchen I'm looking forward to. We got some cash out of the re-fi and we're going to save up the rest so hopefully by this time next year I will have the kitchen I've dreamed of since we bought this God-forsaken house. Is it a bad sign when you go to Home Depot and the woman looks at the dimensions of your kitchen and comments that it's tiny and has no idea where you'll put a dishwasher? For me it's fuel to my fire of desire to take down the wall between the kitchen and dinning room and redo the bad boy. I'm so excited, I have everything picked out. Save flooring. But that's on;y because my timeless optimism tells me that I have hardwood floors under the 70's linoleum that is just waiting to be refinished.
I hope to become one of those fun blogs that I so often read. So stay tuned. Mayhaps I'll post more and I hope beyond hope that I will soon have kitchen remodeling updates for you.