Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The beautiful tale of a girl and a one eyed man

It was a rainy night in Baltimore when Mr Boh strolled into Brewer’s Art. There he sat parched and feeling snacky. Sadly he found himself lonely in the 90’s, before hipsters that craved his sweet sweet iconic (or is it ironic) goodness. When who should walk through the door but that super cute local celebrity, the Utz girl.

She’d never traveled far from home and this night was no different. Their eyes met and at once they knew there was something special. They talked for hours. She helped him to better hide his inebriation and he helped her to loosen up. It was a match made in heaven. Or Charles Street. Whatever. 

That cute Utz girl traveled a lot peddling her tasty wears and Mr Boh fought to be relevant again outside of throwback merchandise, so they saw each other only on weekends and Holidays and the occasional mid week rendezvous.  But through many a trip to ‘The Yard’ to see the O’s and many Sunday’s of tailgating they fell in love.

When the time was right Mr Boh knew what he had to do. He went to Smyth for the perfect ring. Then one fateful night on the water taxi between the Harbor and Fells Point he got down on one knee (clearly in front of the Domino’s sugar factory)  and proposed. With an ecstatic yes she hugged and kissed him. And the rest is history. 

*for the two of you that check this site for updates on the mini-me this is a departure for fun fun reasons. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

what on earth is going on here?

If you know us you know we've been awfully busy these last many months while life has been changing in our house. Rest assured I will be back to blogging sooner or later and there are many pictures to share. Well there are 924 pics on the camera right now, at least 400 of which haven't been viewed by anyone outside our home. I really have to get a chance to download then upload them. Once I do I shall update everyone on the goings on. Until then, rest assured all is well if busy.

Well that and no one ever comments on the blog (well...almost no one) so it's sort of anti-climactic for me to do it for anyones benefit but my own.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Girls and their Easter dresses

OK I have WAY more pics to show you of Alex and Easter and her dress. But these were taken by the fabulousness that is Jesi. And the hat is from a friend of Jason's who really wants to see pics of her cuteness in the hat. So I guess for all of you that are interested, adorable pictures, round 1, will have to do for now. *note I never have a problem sharing pictures of the mini-one and really do hope y'all enjoy!

Jesi really does get far better pics then I could dream of getting.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

If ever you wondered

As you likely know Alex spends her days with the fabulous Mrs Jesi. Due to confusion of people that read her blog Jesi recently did a post about this very thing. So if ever you were curious about with whom Alex spends her days, check it out...

Cast of Characters 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dandy Flowers

Alex LOVES picking flowers. We've convinced her that she can only pick dandelions and the purple flowers from our backyard.

In fact she's allowed to pick any dandy flowers (as she calls them) from anyones yard as long as they're then thrown into the street. That's perfectly fine to her as long as she can pick them at will. In fact she often stores them in pockets, or anything she can find, then throws a whole bunch into the street at once.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Planting our garden

Again this year we're trying for a vegetable garden. We started with a blueberry bush.

Then I got the bright idea to start our garden from seed.

Alex clearly helped me. We even got her a little Sesame Street gardening bag to call her own.
It came with watermelon seeds.

None of us can wait to see what does and doesn't germinate. In fact, Alex insists on checking them daily.

Hopefully in a month or so I'll have a bunch of pictures for you of a flourishing fruit and veggie garden.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My little fan

For opening day Alex wore her little Oriole's outfit. About a week later Jason had on a game and was trying to convince her that she wanted to watch baseball instead of an Alex show.

To this she exclaimed (loudly) I CAN'T watch the Oriole's!

Us: (confused) why not honey? It's baseball. It's great.

Alex: I don't have on my Oriole's shirt!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April Showers

It's been a really rainy month. So we've gotten inventive.

Sadly I have no pictures for you of our jumping in puddles or doing other silly things.

But these pics of Alex with her umbrella (that I'm totally going to steal one day matches her rain boots) are a pretty great substitution for any puddle jumping shots you're missing out on.

Oh and the same rainy day, of course the dog was with us. And Alex grows more convinced daily that she can handle holding the leash herself. Don't get me wrong, Keely is great. But she also is stronger and weighs more then Alex.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The greatest show on Earth...well...sort of

To tell you the story of the circus we first have to back track just a bit.

Saturday March 26 - Alex was climbing the steps to wake us up that morning when we heard a crash of sorts. She'd fallen down almost the entire flight of steps to our room. I jumped out of bed and ran to find her on her stomach at the bottom of the stairs on top of some blankets. That still was in the air that let me know she was inhaling and readying for a real scream.

After we got the bleeding stopped and got her calmed down we went on with our day while waiting for a call back from her doctor. Eventually we got to Patient First to hurry up and wait. There we were told that she needed a CT scan and so we were sent to the ER at GBMC.

Once there we waited some more then Alex got x-rays to make sure nothing was broken. By the end of it we'd spent about 5 hours in the hospital(s).

What does this have to do with the circus?

I'm getting there. In a very Sharon way.

So after all of that time around sick people first Alex got sick on Tuesday then I followed suit on Wednesday. Her first stomach bug.

We hoped and prayed she'd be well enough by that Friday, April 1st, to go to the circus.

She wasn't. And niether was I.

But we went anyway. After all, the circus is a special thing. And loads of fun. And we had discount tickets. And...and...it's the CIRCUS. Some things are worth trekking out for when ill.

We got there and the initial awe wore off pretty quickly. Within 5 minutes she was asleep on my lap. Alex slept through the entire first half and was woken only by the lights coming on at intermission. When the second half begun she wanted to sleep and to see the show.

What ended up happening was a total meltdown.

Sadly we'd gone with jesi and Tea-puff. Fortunately T was very good about leaving early.

When we got home Alex promptly passed out for a few hours. She woke up to get sick and passed back out.

By Saturday evening she was all better and talking about the elephant carrying the dog around in the basket.

Well there's always next year.

She's bound to love it when she's well.
Footnote: these are really the only decent pics I have. The shots of Alex and I are from Mrs Jesi. and seriously the awake and not screaming shots weren't easy to get. The food you see her eating is a pb&j and cotton candy. Neither of which did she really eat. The lighted spinny things also from Mrs Jesi, really she rocks.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


When we found out we were expecting Alex I found an awesome crib on Craigslist that converts to a toddler bed. The thing is gorgeous. It has served our little family well.

Through a series of circumstances, mostly involving poor communication skills, we moved Alex to a real big girl bed. Alex and I went to Target and picked out her comforter and some stickers for her walls.

We then decorated her room with these new stickers.

There were tears and emotions as we took apart the crib turned toddler bed and assembled the new to us bed. And its strange even now to think that this is now the bed she'll have until she leaves for college.

So now I just give you before and after and during pictures.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bald baby no more

Thanks to the fabulous Mrs Jesi Alex has learned what a braid is and we've learned that she can have a small one if done by Mrs Jesi's capable hands. So Alex asked for braids (yes plural) one night after bath. I'm not so good at small hair braids so I went with french braids. The braiding was easier then getting her to let me take pictures.

Anyway so this is exciting for the mere fact that she used to be so very bald. She's bald no more YAY!

As a bonus here's a pic of her with pigtails for church one week. So cute you just want to squeeze her really.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Alex loves animals. She loves Keely and Slainte and all of the animals at the zoo. So whenever we have some stale bread and some time on our hands we like to go feed the goats that are on the way to White Marsh Mall. It really is great fun.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 2nd aka Dr Suess day

Well we're big fans of Dr Seuss around here. Even if I wish I could rhyme this post like one of his books, I know I can't. Alex's current favorite is 'There's a Wocket in my pocket' although her favorite Seuss book, or book, or anything really, is prone to change daily.

So to celebrate the day that would have been his birthday... OK maybe we just like to have excuses to do weird things....anyway...we had green eggs and ham for dinner and a couple days later colored some Dr Seuss magnets.

After all why not celebrate the man who started as a political cartoonist, was dared to make childrens books and went forth to make some of the most difficult to read out loud books ever?*

Exactly I can't think of a reason. So here's to you Mr Geisel. May our childrens children get their tongues all twisted around your words.

*yes it's an over simplification, deal with it 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Swim Swim fishy

For a few weeks now Jason and Alex have gone to Kids First Swim School in Timonium for swim lessons (for Alex) on Wednesday mornings. It took us awhile to decide on swimming but the class timing is right and swimming is a very important skill to have.

Well they LOVE it. They sing songs and learn about kicking and blowing bubbles and floating. Basically it's a blast. Alex is still young enough that Jason has to be in the pool with her. But no matter they're bonding and having great fun.

I finally got to witness a class as I had a dentist appointment one Wednesday and the timing worked out perfectly. Alex had no idea I was there until the end but I got as good of pictures as I could given the glass in the way.

Don't they look like they're having fun? Just a few more weeks left of this rotation then we get to decide if we're they're going to continue.