Friday, April 22, 2011

Planting our garden

Again this year we're trying for a vegetable garden. We started with a blueberry bush.

Then I got the bright idea to start our garden from seed.

Alex clearly helped me. We even got her a little Sesame Street gardening bag to call her own.
It came with watermelon seeds.

None of us can wait to see what does and doesn't germinate. In fact, Alex insists on checking them daily.

Hopefully in a month or so I'll have a bunch of pictures for you of a flourishing fruit and veggie garden.


  1. I'm so sure that your little garden is going to do so amazingly well this year - especially with such an adorable little helper watching over it! BRING ON THE SQUASH!

  2. lol we already have stuff sprouting. I think maybe it's beans but clearly I have no idea. But I'm determined that after planting upwards of 144 seeds we're going to have SOMETHING to show for it.

  3. Hummm... LAST year you did not expect anything to sprout - but you had so very much! Now with 144 seeds are you plowing up the back yard?
