To tell you the story of the circus we first have to back track just a bit.
Saturday March 26 - Alex was climbing the steps to wake us up that morning when we heard a crash of sorts. She'd fallen down almost the entire flight of steps to our room. I jumped out of bed and ran to find her on her stomach at the bottom of the stairs on top of some blankets. That still was in the air that let me know she was inhaling and readying for a real scream.
After we got the bleeding stopped and got her calmed down we went on with our day while waiting for a call back from her doctor. Eventually we got to Patient First to hurry up and wait. There we were told that she needed a CT scan and so we were sent to the ER at GBMC.
Once there we waited some more then Alex got x-rays to make sure nothing was broken. By the end of it we'd spent about 5 hours in the hospital(s).
What does this have to do with the circus?
I'm getting there. In a very Sharon way.
So after all of that time around sick people first Alex got sick on Tuesday then I followed suit on Wednesday. Her first stomach bug.
We hoped and prayed she'd be well enough by that Friday, April 1st, to go to the circus.
She wasn't. And niether was I.
But we went anyway. After all, the circus is a special thing. And loads of fun. And we had discount tickets.'s the CIRCUS. Some things are worth trekking out for when ill.
We got there and the initial awe wore off pretty quickly. Within 5 minutes she was asleep on my lap. Alex slept through the entire first half and was woken only by the lights coming on at intermission. When the second half begun she wanted to sleep and to see the show.
What ended up happening was a total meltdown.
Sadly we'd gone with
jesi and Tea-puff. Fortunately T was very good about leaving early.

When we got home Alex promptly passed out for a few hours. She woke up to get sick and passed back out.
By Saturday evening she was all better and talking about the elephant carrying the dog around in the basket.
Well there's always next year.
She's bound to love it when she's well.
Footnote: these are really the only decent pics I have. The shots of Alex and I are from Mrs Jesi. and seriously the awake and not screaming shots weren't easy to get. The food you see her eating is a pb&j and cotton candy. Neither of which did she really eat. The lighted spinny things also from Mrs Jesi, really she rocks.