Friday, March 18, 2011

Valentine's Day has come and gone but the post lingers

Jason and I aren't too big on Valentine's Day. It's a Hallmark holiday that happens to fall about 2 weeks after our wedding anniversary. But what I do like is themey things and that often translates into ridiculous things for Alex to do.

This year we started on Super Bowl Sunday, which happened to fall just before Valentine's day. As a quiet and contained activity, so mommy could see the commercials, Alex got to paint a heart picture frame. It wasn't as big a hit as I'd planned but she still had fun.

Oh and we learned that we should only ever paint on the linoleum as this ended up being pretty messy.

But the end result is cute, as always.

Then on the big day itself Alex got to have a party at Mrs Jesi's and had all sorts of goodies all day that she normally wouldn't be allowed. So when Mrs Jesi sent home this awesome make your own candy necklace kit, we had to be inventive.

Clearly it had to be made on Valentine's day but it was entirely too late for sugar even if she hadn't had the sweet stuff all day. So we told her that they were magic beads. The thing with these magic beads is that they all had to be put on necklaces and over night they would turn into candy.

She bought it and we made necklaces and she loved the candy in the morning. All in all a great Valentine's Day I would say.


  1. Cute! T also loved her candy necklace craft - she's a fiend for those nasty things! I was glad that it actually tasted better than the normal ones. With the planted puffballs magically growing into lollipops at nap time on V-day (I swear I'll post pictures of that someday), our girls are starting to really believe that things just magically turn into candy on Valentine's. I love it!

  2. sadly we still have the necklace somewhere-it was just so much candy that we've been rationing it out...when we remember to.

    And seriously I love your magic lollipops (still have those too)

    Clearly I'm an evil sugar nazi lol

  3. haha! We still have some too - both of the necklace kit and the magic lolli's! No worries! 90% of the time I'm a sugar natzi, too. But on *special* days I give it altogether too freely...
