Thursday, August 19, 2010


OK I have a confession to make. I have no idea what I'm doing with the pictures on this here blog here. I can't seem to get them to load in the order I want them to and I can't figure out how to caption them. Admittedly if I'd waste less time watching Veronica Mars and work on figuring this out and updating websites we'd be good. But alas must feed the stupid tv show addiction. Besides I really do like to shut off the noggin at some point in the day.

I hope you forgive me and figure out which pictures go where. Meh one day I'll be all tech savvy. You'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Can't help you there, lovie. . . I don't use blogspot. But if it can somehow make you feel better in the weird way of reverse karma, I don't even know who Veronica Mars is. :) So yay! (or something like that. I dunno. . .its been a weird day)
