Alex is going through this fun stage where she says hi and bye to everything whether it's living or not and whether it is likely to respond or not. On a related note she periodically has an obsession with pine cones. This obsession lends itself to her collecting said carriers or evergreen DNA and throwing them into her pool.
After a suitable amount has been collected she then climbs into said pool and throws them back out. This can go on for hours or minutes. Either way Alex loves the brown conifers. It's super cute to watch and it's harmless so we let her do it at will.
I can't help to think how much more exciting it will be when we paint pinecones for Christmas ornaments.
This one is funny for me because we don't have pinecones in our backyard, and so T had never seen them. When she was around Lix's age she met them for the first time and was a bit skeezed out about the whole thing. . . it was pretty silly!
I love the pool full of conies. And when it comes time for Christmas decorating you can feel free to bring some our way - I can help with the glue and glitter bit ;)
You're more then welcome to as many as you'd like. They tend to get torn up by the mower but we're happy to get rid of them :)