Friday, July 16, 2010

The bit where I test out the waters of this picture embedding thing

Well we've already established that I have a super cool kid (more on that to come) but now it's time that I catch up with her super awesomeness and learn how to add pictures into the blog. A still I really should get down before I go inviting people to follow me.

Assuming that this worked and you see the pic (taken by the most awesome Mrs Jesi) you can see how super spectacular and adorable the munchki-moo is. If you can't see the pic then the experiment has failed and it's back to the drawing board. :) Thanks for playing along.

1 comment:

  1. HORAY! It worked! and I sucked...well I don't know who....along for the random fun having. So now the sky is the limit I think.
