Monday, July 19, 2010

Feats of bad parenting

So it's been a pretty hot summer. You wouldn't have guessed it was going to be so hot after that insane winter we had. I mean 3 blizzards!? When does that happen. This all supposedly has something to do with lack of sunspots or the end of the world or something. Whatever. We're still alive and as such would like to do some fun summer stuff.

Typically this would mean hanging out outside. but we've had our share of days in the triple digits. Well one day, towards mid June, when the heat wave was just starting and we thought we were being overly sensitive to the heat, we ventured to the park on Putty Hill Avenue. You know the one, across from the American Legion.

Well the park itself is super duper awesome. Alex will love it even more when she's a bit older. It has a bunch of slides and a zipline and a moving balance beam thing. Oh and of course swings. Alex LOVES swings.

And on this day the only breeze to be found was from swinging. It was hot. But worse yet it was still.

We only stayed for about 30-45 minutes but we were all really hot by then. Alex has that fair skin that turns bright red when she's hot. Let me tell you, it was bright red. So we went in search of snowballs. Having decided to try the place on Harford Road we went there. But there's an ice cream stand sort of right next to the snowball place, it's confusing. Anyway we ended up accidently ordering ice cream not snowballs.

And who wants dairy on such a hot day? It was ok ice cream but the popsicles we had at home were far better. Besides Alex really needed to cool off. But before we knew it we were back outside playing in water and all was well.

OH! and YES! that IS a ponytail you see in Alex's hair! Our little girl is bald no more :) YAY for hair!


  1. Ahh.. I know that park... Was she brave or was dad worried??

    She does love having her hair done up in a ponytail.. ok.. a short pony tail - but it is one any way!!

  2. She was super brave. Jason though gets a little worried about things like shaky bridges. But in the end we all had great fun.

  3. She looks good in pink - even if its on her cheeks!'Brave' isn't the proper word for her. . . I think 'fearless' is closer to true! You CAN'T be brave unless you recognize a threat, and A is very proficient at ignoring THOSE silly things ;)

    We're gonna have to go check that playground out, it looks like fun.
